I absolutely love to find free, exciting events to take my girls and I love to find cheap deals for me and the hubby as well. Hope you can join me and my family as we go Out and About!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Sometimes, being Mummy ain’t all that
Sometimes, being Mummy ain’t all that.
When I was a little girl, all I ever wanted was to be a mum. Not a pilot, a scientist, a doctor. Not a farmer, a dancer, a teacher. A mum. Yes, I studied and built an extremely successful career as a copywriter, and yes, I loved it. I’d be lying, however, if I told you I was devastated to drop it all and become a stay-at-home mum when Little Miss was born.
Fast forward 9 years. Now I am mum to Little Miss (9), Little Man (7) and Baby G (3). I am still a stay-at-home mum, while running my (tiny) one-man business on the side. Here’s the thing: this stay-at-home mum thing is killing me. There, I said it.
What’s more, I suck at it.
A few weeks ago, I had a total breakdown. I looked around me at the piles of laundry (clean and dirty), the dirty dishes, the unmade beds, the crusty toothpaste stuck to the sink (and mirrors and walls), the empty pantry, the fridge that needed to be cleaned out (for fear of growing a new strain of penicillin) and began to cry. And cry. And cry. The ugly cry. I simply couldn’t face it any more. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. This domestic life of cooking, cleaning, taxiing, wiping…*_why on earth had I ever signed up for this?_* I realised, in that moment, that even if I managed to somehow dig myself out of this rut and get all this mind-numbing housework done, I would still feel as unstimulated, unsatisfied and invisible.
I realised I was lost. Michelle–the vibrant, intelligent, productive person I was pre-babies, was nowhere to be found.
I realised this Martha Stewart persona I’d been trying to squeeze into was simply the wrong size.
I realised that, in my quest to live up to my childhood dream of the Perfect Mummy (devised in my childhood and clearly as real as a fairy tale), I had buried myself completely.
Not only had I sacrificed my “Michelle-ness” to the cause, I hadn’t even managed to make it worth it. I was failing the Perfect Mummy Test in every area. My resentment at having to be the maid/cook/taxi-driver was making me mean. I was short tempered and impatient with my kids (for being kids, no more no less), resentful towards my husband (for having a life outside the four walls of our house) and hateful towards myself for not being the wonderful mummy I had always dreamed I would be. I was perpetually tired, unenthusiastic and bitter. In short, I don’t think I was particularly fun to be around.
By becoming a martyr-mother and defining myself as 100% Mum, I had not only thrown my very identity under the bus, I had sacrificed my husband and children too.
That night, after an Everest-like quest to get the children to bed, I sobbed and howled (impressively and with dramatic flair) and discussed with my (amazing, understanding, empathetic) husband how I was feeling. He agreed wholeheartedly that I needed to rediscover who I am and what makes me happy. Despite the fact that he works insanely hard and under immense pressure, he made a promise to me that he would do everything in his power to allow me to fix this mess.
I contacted my work colleagues and let them know I am available to take on more work, and boy, did it flood in. I began to write the children’s books that had been brewing in my head. I started a Zen Do Kai class one evening a week (yes, one evening a week Hubby gives the kids dinner, showers them and readies them for bed and yes, I acknowledge just how ridiculously lucky I am to have this kind of support) and I started this blog.
I now go to sleep after midnight most nights because I am up working late on a million things. I still have to face the same amount of housework and childcare. The difference? I am happy. I am smiling. I feel liberated. I fold laundry and think up radio ads. I cook dinner and brainstorm blog posts. I do Zen Do Kai, release the stress and can’t get home quickly enough to cuddle my beautiful children and marvel at the miraculous little people they are. Last night I sat and coloured in cupcakes with Little Miss and instead of wishing she would just.go.to.sleep, I relished in our ‘special girl time’. I listened to Little Man reading and wasn’t silently willing the stupid ice-cream book to be finished already. Quite the opposite, I was overcome with pride at his achievements and watched as he sounded out each word with wonder. I cuddled Baby G and wished I could pause time just to make her babyhood last a little longer. It was the first bedtime in a very long time that I felt that neither my children or I were short-changed.
And when they were asleep, I looked at the man I married and wondered how I got so lucky? He has never once judged me. When I needed a hand, he didn’t hesitate to help me. He gets it.
Just taking the time to stop, realise that I am Michelle–not just Mummy–made a world of difference. That hideous resentment that had been filling my days has melted away, Angry Mummy has disappeared (Okay, mostly. I’m working on it, but why won’t they put their clothes in the hamper?! ) and I am satisfied that, after much searching, I found that part of myself I had so carelessly tossed aside nine years ago. She was suffocating under a pile of mismatched, dirty socks.
It turns out that all I needed to enjoy being a mum was to not be one every once in a while.
When embarking on a long journey, they tell you to always put your own oxygen mask first, before you help your kids. Wise words, indeed.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
The City of Weston - Moonlight Movies in the Park
The City of Weston Presents FREE, Monthly MOONLIGHT MOVIES IN THE PARK!
Kick back and relax - the movies are on us… Bring lawn chairs or blankets and relax. Full-length feature films are projected onto a giant inflatable screen. At the Event Stage in the Weston Regional Park ▪ 20200 Saddle Club Road ▪ 954-389-4321
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. Dave Seville, the Chipmunks and the Chipettes are taking a luxury cruise to the International Music Awards. Alvin cannot resist the urge to create havoc and the singing rodents soon find themselves marooned on a seemingly deserted island.We Bought A Zoo Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. Following his wife’s death, LA journalist Benjamin Mee makes a fresh start, quitting his job and moving his children to property containing the closed Rosemoor Wildlife Park. Still home to many animals he opens his heart and checkbook to renovate and reopen it. (PG: parents may find a few incidents of objectionable language)
Ice Age 4 – Continental Drift Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. Scrat’s pursuit of an infernal acorn has world-changing consequences for Manny, Diego and Sid.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. School is out and Greg is ready for the days of summer, when all his plans go wrong. (PG: some rude humor)
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. A 12-year old searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.
Madagascar 3 – Europe’s Most Wanted Saturday, April 13, 2013 at 8:00 p.m. Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still fighting to get home to New York
Friday, August 24, 2012
Martha Beck's 7 Steps to Creating the Life you Really Want
A simple guide to mapping out the journey of your lifetime.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/How-to-Live-the-Life-You-Want-Charting-Your-Life#ixzz24UOpi7lR
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
My Kids Have Never Been to Church, and I’m Not Ever Going to Take Them
A bit controversial but hear it goes:
Posted by dadcamp (blogs.babble.com)
My dad almost became a seminarian.
Around the same time he met my mom, he was seriously considering becoming a priest. He reconsidered, and, well, the rest is history.
I was raised in a Catholic home. I was an altar boy. I went to Catholic elementary and high school. My mom and dad were active in our church growing up. But somewhere in my mid/late teens they stopped forcing me to go. Yes, I say force.
I would feign being asleep as the time to leave for mass drew closer, and eventually they would just leave without me.
Mommyfriend crafted a great post about her return to church with her kids last week, and you should really read it.
This quote stands out:
“I’d never sit behind my computer and tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t be doing for their families. All I can do is share what I’m doing for mine, and church is now one of those things.”
I’m about to go fire and brimstone about why I don’t go to church. Many of you will not agree. I’m not telling you how to live your life, I’m telling you the reasons I use to explain how I live mine. Your mileage may vary, but I’m never going to take my kids to church. Ever.
I stopped going to church before I stopped believing in god. It was around the time my best friend told me he was gay. We had both attended the same Catholic high school, and I just couldn’t support an organization that openly challenged his rights as a person. There is so much moral fine print in church when it comes to equality, that I just couldn’t give it an hour of my week.
I’ve only accepted my atheism in the past 5 years. People like Christopher Hitchens (oh the irony of having Christ in his name), and Ricky Gervais best summing up how I feel about the existence of a higher power.
A Christian telling an atheist he is going to Hell is about as scary as a small child telling an adult they wont get any presents from Santa
I appreciate that churches do create community, and are a place for people to gather together and socialize and make friends, and that is all wonderful. It’s when they start talking of religion that things go sideways and create problems. The preaching of hate and intolerance. The discounting of science. The general backwardsness that takes allegorical stories and makes them historically relevant documents.
If religion is so wonderful, why does it make so many people hate other people because the holy figurine on their mantle is different? I’m sure many of you are hating me right now because I’m telling you the existence of god is about as real as the existence of unicorns, bigfoot, and elves.
“@Zx6r82: what makes you believe that god does not exist?” The same things that make you think Thor doesn't.
The world is explainable, I will explain it to my sons without the pretense of fables.
My sons will find community from their community. We will be active in their school, in their sports, in their arts. They will meet friends, and understand different cultures by being open and active to new things. We will travel.
They will learn about charity from their family.
They will learn spirituality from within themselves. The only moral compass that matters is the one in your head. I will teach my kids right from wrong, and I will teach them to choose love over hate.
So, remind me … why is it you think should I take them to church again?
A few tweets saying I should keep my atheism to myself.
Just like people of faith keep their beliefs secret I guess. Haha.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Dear Kids
-I really couldn't have said this better myself!
Dear Kids,
To my daughter:
Wait as long as you can to shave your legs, pluck your eyebrows or color your hair. Because once you start, you’re signing on for a lifelong commitment.
Don’t flip through the pages of Cosmo or Vogue to compare your beauty to because those photos have been airbrushed. Go to Walmart instead. No airbrushing there.
Every photo that is taken of you, and every email that you write, is forever. Sure, it’s funny now, but do you want that crap plastered across the Washington Post when you run for President?
Give the nerd a chance. See that hot jock over there? One day he’s going to be fat, bald and working at a Blimpie. And when you’re 40, you’re not going to care how many push-ups your husband can do. You’re going to want a sweet, supportive partner who is intelligent and a good conversationalist. And maybe a trip to the Bahamas.
Find an exercise that you can do for a majority of your life like golf or yoga. You only have so many years that your body can handle sliding into 3rd base or doing a roundoff back handspring.
Everything can hurt you: sharp scissors, fast cars, loaded guns, roller coasters, boat rides, carving knives, snakes, spiders, partially cooked chicken, pedophiles, street drugs, snowboarding, scuba diving, roller blading, boys, illness, disease, pointy objects, wild animals, Red #5. It’s my responsibility to make sure that you don’t die – not that you have a good time – but just that you live to see another day.
Don’t hate me for getting you braces in your teens. Look around – 70% of your friends have braces and their parents are paying for them. One day you’ll want straight teeth, but then only 1% of your peers will have braces and you’ll have to deliver pizzas at night to pay the $5,000 orthodontist bill.
I would buy you the world if I could. So my prayer is that I have just enough money to buy you most of what you want, but not enough to buy you everything you want because it will only set you up for future disappointment. And I’m not supporting this Abercrombie habit forever.
When we don’t have internet access or provide you with a laptop computer, iPod Touch, iPhone or webcam, it’s not because we’re poor. It’s because the internet is a scary place. You might visit some disgusting website, or even worse, your boyfriend might want to FaceTime with you after midnight.
Never let boys talk you into sitting in the back row of a movie theater. There’s only one reason that they want to sit there and it’s not to show off their superhuman eyesight.
Don’t let boys talk you into doing anything that you’re not ready to do because, let’s be honest, you’re the one who will face the consequences, and they’ll just high-five their buddies in the locker room at your expense.
In summary, boys can be bad. Try to avoid them until your twenties.
Yes, I know that so-in-so’s mother let her stay out later. And yes, I also know that so-in-so’s mother is letting her go to the party. I don’t care. I’ll give you the same response that’s been used for generations: I’m not her mother.
Go to college. I know that when you’re 18-years-old all you want to do is earn your own money and buy your own stuff, but your college years will be the best years of your life. It’s the small window of time when you’re old enough to have no curfew but young enough to have no mortgage.
Believe in yourself and others will believe in you, too.
When you are at a party and you turn down cocaine, I promise not to be mad at you for drinking a couple of beers. Probably.
Don’t get a tattoo. I don’t care how symbolic you think it is now, because when you’re 87-years-old, they all look ridiculous.
Tequila shots are never ever a good idea.
Don’t ever dance on a speaker box in a nightclub. Those girls are desperately seeking attention. They usually get it, but it’s the wrong type. And sometimes you can see their underwear.
If you go anywhere without hair done, make-up on or wearing some old sweats, you will see at least one person you know. I’m not trying to deter you, I’m just letting you know the facts.
Don’t be the girl who drinks until you puke or pass out. Not only will people make fun of you the next day, they’ll remember it forever. And 20 years later while shopping with your mother-in-law, the last thing you want to do is bump into an old sorority sister and relive the infamous hunch punch party.
I’m not your friend. There are 6 billion people in this world who can be your friend, and only one person who can be your mother. I’m just trying to do my job.
To my son:
Please don’t knock up some bimbo.
Love, Mom
Thursday, August 16, 2012
New Mommy Cliff Notes...
by Brooke of "Crazy Mama Drama" (Mamapedia.com)
Look, I may be very far from a June Cleaver-esque mama, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love being a mom. There is nothing in the world better than the feeling I get when I am the one my daughter looks to for comfort, when she holds me tight. It makes me feel complete. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that being a mom is the hardest job I have ever had.
I think part of my difficulty in adjusting to mommyhood is that I had no idea what to expect. I wish someone had given me a head’s up, but they didn’t. I have been learning ‘the hard way’ for the last sixteen months. Here are just some of the things I’ve learned…
- People aren’t lying when they say you better learn to live on a few hours sleep. Invest in some white strips because you have no chance of surviving without coffee.
- You will not be able to wear white until your kid is 12 years old.
- The bathroom-a place you used to brush your teeth and pee-will now become your
favorite place to get away for “me time.” It will become the only place where you can get a moment of peace; a place that will shelter you from the storm going on downstairs when your husband tells your little angel, “No more “Yo Gabba Gabba, it’s bedtime.” Trust me, you will grow to seek solace in your bathroom. - Dogs are totally effective as vacuum cleaners for after dinner messes on the floor
- Remember that place you and your husband used to go all the time on those wonderful little things called ‘dates?’ That place where you sit in the dark eating popcorn and watch movies on a big screen? Oh yeah, a movie theater. Yep, you’re not going there again for a LONG time.
- Rock, Paper, Scissors is the only logical way to choose who deals with baby diarrhea.
- You will learn that toys strewn on the floor are little minefields, and you will become an expert at avoiding them. Just know that the second you let your guard down, you will surely step on a princess building block, Barbie accessory or a plastic chunk of cheese from the play kitchen. And let me tell you, those plastic little suckers hurt!
- No matter how many hours you spend childproofing your home, your toddler’s built-in Dangerous Object Detector will lead her to a pen cap that you dropped behind the couch three years ago.
- One of the worst feelings in the world is when you are changing a poop filled diaper and you reach over and find out that you are out of wipes. Nothing quite matches that sinking feeling when you realize you have to pick up that baby and wander the house in search of a substitute wipe.
- At some point you’re bound to find yourself agreeing with Sponge Bob, DJ Lance or Ming Ming.
- Remember that thing I said about no chance of surviving without coffee? Ditto for wine.
- Being a mom to a toddler is pretty similar to working in a psych ward. It’s not out of the ordinary to look over at your kid and watch them crack up while staring at a blank wall. You become completely immune to the sound of screaming. Objects are thrown at you on a daily basis.
- No matter how much it sucks to have a kid sometimes, all the aggravation gets erased with one drooly, goofy smile.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
August Events
Sorry my post was late it was a bit hectic for me since I started a new job! Please bear with me I will try to get next month's events earlier! Don't forget BACK TO SCHOOL AUG.20!!!! Good Luck to all the students and let's make it a great year!!!! and a special Good luck to my little munchkin which starts Kindergarten this year!!!
Miami Spice Restaurant Month
During the months of August and September, many of Miami's finest restaurants offer lunches and dinners at low fixed prices. This is a great chance to try something new each day and save money at the same time!
Miami Salsa Congress
August 1-5, 2012
Showing 80 live showcases, plenty of salsa dancing for participants, and dance workshops with the world's best instructors.
Miami/Bahamas Goombay Festival
August 2-5, 2012
One of the largest Black heritage festivals in the U.S. Enjoy colorful costumed junkanoo groups, music, arts, crafts and food.
Movies on the Plaza: The Muppets
Sushi Fun for Everyone
Kidgits Back to School Event
Brazilian Film Festival
August 17-25, 2012
Showcases more than 40 acclaimed Brazilian films and presents international guests including directors, producers, actors and film distributors.
Jungle Island's Aloha Polynesian Luau Show & Feast
International Ballet Festival of Miami
August 24 - September 16, 2012
Featuring performances by world-renowned dance companies from Europe, and North, Central and South America.
Free SAT/PSAT workshop
Viernes Culturales / Cultural Fridays
August 31, 2012
Free monthly cultural event and street fair on the last Friday of each month showcasing music, dance, poetry, and the visual arts.
Bridal & Quince Showcase & Bootcamp Free Admission
Miami Spice Restaurant Month
During the months of August and September, many of Miami's finest restaurants offer lunches and dinners at low fixed prices. This is a great chance to try something new each day and save money at the same time!
Miami Salsa Congress
August 1-5, 2012
Showing 80 live showcases, plenty of salsa dancing for participants, and dance workshops with the world's best instructors.
Miami/Bahamas Goombay Festival
August 2-5, 2012
One of the largest Black heritage festivals in the U.S. Enjoy colorful costumed junkanoo groups, music, arts, crafts and food.
Movies on the Plaza: The Muppets
Thursday, Aug 9 8:00p
atBrickell World Plaza,Miami,FL
Movies on the Plaza is a free, family-friendly event sponsored by Brickell World Plaza each month.
Sushi Fun for Everyone
Thursday, Aug 9 6:00p to 9:00p
atFairchild Tropical Botanic Garden,Miami,FL
Round up your family and friends to enjoy a class designed to bring everyone to the table. Learn how to make sushi like they do in homes all over Japan. Let Johnson and his two lovely daughters teach you the tricks to making sushi. No specialty equipment required. This will be a hands-on class. At the end of class students will enjoy the sushi that they have prepared during the class.
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/miami_fl/events/show/270909925-sushi-fun-for-everyone#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/miami_fl/events/show/270909925-sushi-fun-for-everyone#storylink=cpy
Kidgits Back to School Event
Saturday, Aug 11 2:00p to 4:00p
atMiami International Mall,Miami,FL
Get ready to take on the new school year at the Kidgits Back to School Event on
August 11 from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Center Court.
Summer might be ending soon, but the fun is just beginning! Join us as we say farewell to summer and hello to another great school year! You won’t want to miss all the great activities and giveaways
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/miami_fl/events/show/270855225-kidgits-back-to-school-event#storylink=cpy
August 11 from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Center Court.
Summer might be ending soon, but the fun is just beginning! Join us as we say farewell to summer and hello to another great school year! You won’t want to miss all the great activities and giveaways
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/miami_fl/events/show/270855225-kidgits-back-to-school-event#storylink=cpy
Brazilian Film Festival
August 17-25, 2012
Showcases more than 40 acclaimed Brazilian films and presents international guests including directors, producers, actors and film distributors.
As part of the Deering Estate's annual FEE-FREE "P.L.A.Y." DAYS, guests can enjoy free admission to the Deering Estate at Cutler on the following Saturdays: AUGUST 18 & SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Bring your family and friends and enjoy complimentary admission as well as hands on eco-art activities, science discovery programs, and historic house tours – all for free!
Bring your family and friends and enjoy complimentary admission as well as hands on eco-art activities, science discovery programs, and historic house tours – all for free!
Jungle Island's Aloha Polynesian Luau Show & Feast
Saturday, Aug 18 10:00a
atJungle Island,Watson Island,FL
Park Hours: 10am – 6pm
Buffet: 12pm – 2pm
Join Jungle Island on August 18 for a one-of-a-kind “Luau Bash” featuring a Polynesian Show with live music, colorful costumes, hula dancing and a delectable tropical buffet. Plus, you can take part in a wide variety of other activities including limbo contests, fire dancers, a Tahiti water slide and more!
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/watson_island_fl/events/show/271723225-jungle-islands-aloha-polynesian-luau-show-feast#storylink=cpy
Buffet: 12pm – 2pm
Join Jungle Island on August 18 for a one-of-a-kind “Luau Bash” featuring a Polynesian Show with live music, colorful costumes, hula dancing and a delectable tropical buffet. Plus, you can take part in a wide variety of other activities including limbo contests, fire dancers, a Tahiti water slide and more!
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/watson_island_fl/events/show/271723225-jungle-islands-aloha-polynesian-luau-show-feast#storylink=cpy
International Ballet Festival of Miami
August 24 - September 16, 2012
Featuring performances by world-renowned dance companies from Europe, and North, Central and South America.
Free SAT/PSAT workshop
Saturday, Aug 25 10:00a to 1:15p
atHoliday Inn Coral Gables - Univ Of Miami,Coral Gables,FL
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/coral_gables_fl/events/show/266353405-free-satpsat-workshop#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/coral_gables_fl/events/show/266353405-free-satpsat-workshop#storylink=cpy
Viernes Culturales / Cultural Fridays
August 31, 2012
Free monthly cultural event and street fair on the last Friday of each month showcasing music, dance, poetry, and the visual arts.
Bridal & Quince Showcase & Bootcamp Free Admission
Thursday, Aug 30 6:00p
at94th Aero Squadron,Miami,FL
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/miami_fl/events/show/271653227-bridal-quince-showcase-bootcamp-free-admission#storylink=cpy
Miami Home Design And Remodeling Show ( Home Show )
Friday, Aug 31 6:00p to 10:30p
atMiami Beach Convention Center,Miami Beach,FL
Miami Home Show
August 31 - September 4, 2012
Miami Beach Convention Center
IDEA@thebass Family Day
Sunday, Aug 26 2:00p to 4:00p
atBass Museum of Art,Miami Beach,FL
Join in the Summer fun at the Bass Museum of Art's Family Day! These creative afternoons are full of exciting activities for the whole family: art projects, scavenger hunts, preschool art station and free prizes!
at94th Aero Squadron,Miami,FL
Read more here: http://events.miamiherald.com/miami_fl/events/show/271653227-bridal-quince-showcase-bootcamp-free-admission#storylink=cpy
Miami Home Design And Remodeling Show ( Home Show )
Friday, Aug 31 6:00p to 10:30p
atMiami Beach Convention Center,Miami Beach,FL
Miami Home Show
August 31 - September 4, 2012
Miami Beach Convention Center
IDEA@thebass Family Day
Sunday, Aug 26 2:00p to 4:00p
atBass Museum of Art,Miami Beach,FL
Join in the Summer fun at the Bass Museum of Art's Family Day! These creative afternoons are full of exciting activities for the whole family: art projects, scavenger hunts, preschool art station and free prizes!
Friday, August 10, 2012
From the Children's Desk @Books & Books -Aug!
Teens Blog for Books & Books – By Invitation Only
Are you a young adult who loves to read? Do you have
NEW!: Birthday Parties at
Books & Books
Does your child love books? It's never too early to instill a love of
Does your child love books? It's never too early to instill a love of
reading in your children – and the
easiest way to do that is to
combine it with FUN! Books &
Books has brainstormed a way
for you to celebrate your child's
birthday with a party -- surrounded
by books. The gift registry will
fill your child's library for years
to come. Choose one of three
packages that fit your needs
best – The Bookworm, The
Bestseller, The Bibliophile – all include
a variation of stories, crafts,
lunch, cake, decorations, and more!
Follow this link to our Birthday Party Page!
Follow this link to our Birthday Party Page!
Bal Harbour Shops: New Date & Time for Stories
Beginning August 1st, our Bal Harbour Shops Story Time will now take place
Beginning August 1st, our Bal Harbour Shops Story Time will now take place
every Saturday at 11:30am. (Our weekly story time in the Gables remains the same;
every Saturday at 10am). Bring your
little ones for great stories and creative t
ake-home crafts. (Ages 3-7)
Bal Harbour Shops: New Date & Time for Stories
Beginning August 1st, our Bal Harbour Shops Story Time will now take place
Beginning August 1st, our Bal Harbour Shops Story Time will now take place
every Saturday at 11:30am. (Our weekly story time in the Gables remains the same;
every Saturday at 10am). Bring your
little ones for great stories and creative t
ake-home crafts. (Ages 3-7)
Harry Potter Hex-travaganza!
We’ve been having cauldrons full of fun on Harry Potter Sundays, and
We’ve been having cauldrons full of fun on Harry Potter Sundays, and
so far, we’ve screened the first 4
movies. But now that You-Know-Who
has risen, the magic and excitement
has only just begun. Wear your robes,
and bring your wands (and a pillow
to sit on); you’re not going to want to miss this.
August 5
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (PG) |
August 12
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (1) (PG-13) |
August 19
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2) (PG-13) |
Are you a young adult who loves to read? Do you have
a blog or other form of social media
to promote your
love of reading? We need your help!
This fall, we’re
really ramping up our YA events and
would like to
invite you to help us get the word
out. Join us
Friday, August 10th at 5pm for “insider” information
on all of our upcoming YA events.
Join us to discuss
some of the various opportunities in
which you can help us, and in
turn we’ll promote your own
blogs, and give you access to meet
and interview some amazing authors. We’ll be brainstorming
ideas, discussing bestselling
authors, and munching on some
delicious snacks. Please RSVP to becky@booksandbooks.com
if you’re interested in attending.
Family Day on Aragon:
Star Wars
second Saturday of every
month. Together with the
Coral Gables Art Cinema and the Coral Gables Museum
we invite you to participate in some
great, free offerings
geared for the entire family to
enjoy. Saturday,
August 11th at Books & Books, start with a 10am
story time for kids ages 3-7, then
follow with a film at
11am at the Coral Gables Cinema and
activities at the
Museum. Then, join us again at Books
& Books for
STAR WARS ORIGAMI at 1:30pm, for ages 7 and up.
Come dressed up as your favorite
character and have your photo taken for our FB page.
PJ Library Story Time
It’s great to find someone who loves books as much as
It’s great to find someone who loves books as much as
we do. That’s why we proudly work
with the PJ Library, who
encourages Jewish families to cuddle
up at night with their
favorite stories. Once a
month, the PJ Library partners with
local Jewish schools to hold a
special story time at our stores
to teach important values to Jewish
families. Hands-on crafts follow.
Join us on Sunday, August 12th for stories and crafts
Join us on Sunday, August 12th for stories and crafts
dealing with going back to school
and making new friends
there. 10:30am in Coral
Gables, together with Temple Judea. 12 noon at Bal Harbour Shops.
You're Invited: Syd Hoff's 100th Birthday Party & Exhibit
You may recognize the name Syd Hoff. He is the creative
You may recognize the name Syd Hoff. He is the creative
genius behind the childhood
classics, Danny & the Dinosaur
and Sammy the Seal. But did
you know that Syd used to call
Miami Beach home? In honor of his
2012 centennial,
local journalist Dina Weinstein
has curated an exhibit of Hoff’s life work
at the Miami Beach Regional Library.
This exhibit is not to be missed.
On Saturday, August 25th at 11am we’ll celebrate Syd Hoff in
On Saturday, August 25th at 11am we’ll celebrate Syd Hoff in
true Books & Books’ fashion with
a birthday party featuring
treats, games, and much more.
of last minute details on your mind.
Don’t let your child’s summer
reading be one of them. Stop into
one of our locations to pick up
your books. Forgot your list at
home? No problem; we have many
local school reading lists, and if
we don’t we’ll look it up for you.
Don’t feel like leaving your house?
Again, no problem; visit our
website and order your books
directly to your door: www.booksandbooks.com
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