Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So, Do You "Love" Being A Mom?

July 30, 2013
“So do you just love being a mum?”
It seems that shop assistants, in particular, think this is a good question to pop, as I drag my disheveled-self to the register after trawling shelves and aisles in great haste with a toddler and wee baby in tow.

“Aw do you just love being a mum?” they coo, all gooey and lovey.

“Er……” how do you respond to that? What a ludicrous question. And it is not, of course, confined to shop assistants. They, after all, are just making polite small talk and the fact that I am a mother is abundantly clear so why think further than the obvious question, right?
I have also been asked this by old family friends who haven’t seen me in years, and suddenly encounter me with my tribe: “So Miranda dear, do you just love being a mummy?”

“Er… do you really want to know how I feel about this or are you expecting me to sing ‘Yes! Yes! Yes! I adore it. My life had no meaning until now! I am entirely fulfilled. I could die tomorrow a happy woman… oh, wait… no I couldn’t because I’d be leaving two children without a mum. Mum mum mum. Um…”

They don’t have time for the real answer. I just say something like… ”Mmmm… ‘love’ is not the word I’d go for. Ha ha ha! (laugh to keep it light) It’s a challenge isn’t it?"

Do you love going to work every day? Do you love catching the train? Do you secretly love picking your nose? Do you love sitting in traffic? Do you love waxing your bikini line? Do you love lobster? Do you love sex? Do you love learning Spanish? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? How many times did your baby wake last night? Now these are easy to answer. Easy.

But there is no cut and dried to loving motherhood. I do not love being a mum per se. There, I said it. I do not easily fall into the mum role. I have to work at it and I have to work at it hard. I have no choice but to work at it hard because my children push me there. But if you ask me if I love being a mum, then I feel some sort of pressure to respond positively, to keep a good mood, to make you feel comfortable and so on. No one really asks that question, hoping to be dragged into my messed-up little head.

Because for me, frankly, it is a personal question and none of their cotton-pickin’ business!

Do you love your children? Now there’s a question. And a silly one for a different reason, because the answer is clear. Yes, of course. To the moon and back and then some. So much that it literally hurts at times. I cry with love. I laugh with love. I ache with love for my children. But my love for my children and my family does not, of itself, mean I love being a mum. Not necessarily. Sometimes. Sometimes not.

I love the joys and rewards which motherhood has thrown my way. I realise I am incredibly lucky. I don’t take my family for granted. I have beautiful, healthy, vibrant, dynamic, challenging, affectionate, wonderful children. Yes I’m so lucky; lucky to be able to conceive, lucky to be able to snuggle these incredible characters, lucky to hear and see them grow, lucky to commune with them, to be surprised by them, to be enlivened by them, to give to them. Lucky. I think my partner and my children are extraordinary and I have moments of intense elation and triumph and hope and accomplishment.

But I also have a lot of moments when I wonder how I got here. I’m tired. Through and through. I have never known exhaustion like it. New lines sit beneath my eyes and I feel weathered and worn. I feel all of my age and then some. Sometimes I feel desperate that this is all there is, and this will define me forever. I was never a baby person, or a kid person. Never. In fact I vividly recall a time in my life when I would happily have foregone the whole having children thing. Admittedly, I had a juvenile and foolishly selfish head on my shoulders at the time.

Eventually, I grew up and realised that children were an essential part of the bigger picture. It took some getting my head around. It took a little longer than I had expected to conceive my first bub, and with each month that went by, my desire, my need to have a baby grew and grew and became a wee obsession. These children are wanted. There is no doubt about that.

But I cannot deny that sometimes I feel entrapped by this new role. I sometimes feel that the light, the eccentricity, the vibrancy, the creativity, the humour and the spontaneity have been sapped out of me. Have I become dull? Do I have anything to say? Where am I going? Will I ever create music again? What interests me beyond this baby bubble?

I crave the freedom I had before motherhood. My life as a singer/songwriter. My life as a traveler. I allowed myself to dream because there was nothing tying me down.

I know it is in my nature, for good or for bad, to always have a wee toe in the past. I cling to memories, experiences, places, feelings and I wallow far too readily in what-ifs and if-onlys. A total waste of time of course. I need to find the space to stick my nose into tomorrow and take a big, dirty sniff and own it. Take it on. I need to dream again so that I can be an inspiration for my kids. But there always seem to be more work to do.

I’m not naïve. I am not deaf to the voices saying “oh come now, you can be anything you want to be, children need never hold you back; they are possibility itself, they will soon be less dependent upon you and you will be able to claw back some time of your own to redefine yourself again in this life.” I know. I can be rational as well as hugely hormonal! I am also utterly sleep-deprived and unmotivated and I know it will pass.

Being a mum is hard work. And just get over it Miranda. You’re lucky. Yes. I know. But it’s way more complicated than that. So if you ask that question (I need not repeat it), I’m certain you don’t have the time for the answer, so save it.

10 Ways To Be a Happier Parent

July 24, 2013
1. Stop measuring your successes and failures through your children. If your little Joe Jr. or Suzy Q. melts to the ground screaming like a maimed hyena because he/she refuses to take turns on the swing while all the Moms in your Tuesday playgroup cross their arms and wrinkle their foreheads at you: Then stop. Take a deep breath. Acknowledge your kid is being a jerk and don’t draw the imaginary connection in your head where you think everyone believes you’re a jerk too. Conversely, when little Joe Jr. or Suzy Q. scores the highest grade in math class, or wins 1st place in their dance competition, this does not mean you have won at parenting. You’re allowed to be proud… of them, not yourself.

2. Stop measuring other Moms’ successes and failures through their children. Number one will become a whole lot easier when you stop doing this to other Moms, too. Promise.

3. Make a list of five priorities and make sure you’re one of them. In the busiest phase of life — raising a family — you must learn to prioritize. You simply cannot do everything you want to do. Priorities should be things that when they are missing from your life, the quality of your life goes down. And at least one of the things on the list has to be something for you. Whether it’s a career, cooking, crafting or drinking wine with friends, you must be on the list. If exercise isn’t a priority, stop beating yourself up for not doing it. If it is, then stop making excuses. Relax into the idea that no one can do it all and everyone must pick and choose what’s important and dump the rest. Particularly in this phase of life. My five (in order of importance) are: God, husband, kids, writing and exercise. Now, doesn’t this give you an idea what my toilets looks like?

4. Make your partner one of those priorities. I’m not good at this one. I’m not. I’m a little selfish and I am physically drained each day from taking care of small children, my job and just plain life. I want to put me first. But the wisest parts of my brain tell me that my marriage is part of the foundation for all those other things I want, and therefore, it is near the top of my list. Forever. Because I’ve learned that this list is base for everything else in my life – My faith holds it up, makes it all worth doing, while my partner puts the shine on it.

5. Learn to use “bad” words. If you’re being asked to do something that will take away from something on your list of priorities, you must learn to say that little dirty word. The one that’s so hard to say in the face of a pleading co-worker, neighbor or parent – it’s particularly hard for women. That word is… no. Yes, people will be upset with you. They may yell and scream and make your life uncomfortable for a little while; but not as uncomfortable as if you drop one of your priorities. Say yes to yourself, by saying no to them. It’s not selfish, it’s survival.

6. Stop thinking about what your kids aren’t, and start focusing on what they are. Maybe your kid has a happy demeanor most days, but is hopeless at school. Maybe she is tender and kind with animals, but can’t remember to brush her hair. Maybe all your kid can do is tie his shoelaces by himself. Focus on the shoelaces, forget the rest. Your kid will thank you someday. This is a conscious, mental exercise. One that can have either devastating consequences, or abundant rewards because the plain truth about life is that what you focus on expands. If you’re always making a mental list of all the things your kids is NOT, then the list will become endless. If you make a conscious effort to praise and feed all the things your kid already is, (and this list is probably small and harder to define), then that too, will get larger and your child’s sense of self-worth will too. Same goes for you.

7. Take notes from your toddlers and develop amnesia. Small children are amazing in their abilities to live in the moment. Watching them play and dance and sing with wild abandon makes even the coldest of hearts, thaw. Young children do not lament over the milk they spilled on the kitchen floor an hour ago. They do not care what the world thinks about their mismatched socks. They’re over it before it even began. So in other words, stop letting the past control your life. If you’re living in a state of regret over yesterday, you’re stunting your future growth. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone fails. Everyone is paying a price for poor decisions they made decades ago. (I’ll show you my ridiculous tramp stamp if you show me yours?) The fact is that many of us re-live the past in our heads trying to rewrite history. It’s impossible and a waste of precious time you could be playing or dancing or singing with wild abandon. As long as you’re living in the past, you’re not moving forward. You’re not growing as a person and you’re certainly not happy. So act like a toddler and follow their rules: if it happened more than an hour ago and there’s nothing you can do to fix it, then forget it. Replace it with another thought or action. Preferably dancing.

8. Learn to say I’m sorry and mean it. Everyone has bad days when they snap at their kids for getting out of bed for the 14th time. We’re human. We make mistakes. So we must learn to say we’re sorry. This is not just to model good behavior or repair hurt feelings. (Although apologies can do that too.) But learning how to give a heartfelt apology is also an acknowledgement to ourselves that what we said or did, hurt someone. It’s a reminder that your words have consequences. Saying I’m sorry teaches us to be more thoughtful of feelings and less selfish with our venting of frustrations and self-awareness is always a good thing. So tell your kids you’re sorry. Tell your spouse you’re sorry. And mean it. It will not only help repair the damage and model kind behavior, it will also teach you to pull back the dragon next time before you spit fire.

9. Learn to Forgive. Forgive your children for their ungratefulness. Forgive your spouse for their carelessness. Forgive your in-laws and the teenager next door for running over your flower bed… again. Oh, this isn’t easy and you may be MORE than justified in your anger and resentment. I often am. But it doesn’t make you or me happier people. Quite the opposite really. Anger is a poison that kills from the inside. Learning to forgive takes practice, diligence and patience. But learning to forgive others is the practice you need to know how to forgive yourself. And that is where the true healing begins.

10. Practice Gratitude. Not be grateful. Practice it. We are not born knowing how to do this and yet there is no real joy without it. Gratitude is not an attitude, it is a skill, and like any other skill, you must practice it faithfully if you’re going to be any good at it. If it’s raining today, the cat puked on your bed last night and your two-year-old just drew shapes on your couch with permanent maker – then be grateful that your garden is getting watered, your cat is no longer struggling with a hairball and our child has the inklings for creativity. Because when you practice seeing the good, you will start to see mostly good. When you see mostly good, life becomes mostly good. When life becomes mostly good, then you no longer need a list of things to make you happy. You just are.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Summer is Sizzling in the Gables!

Almodovar Costume Party at the Cinema
Friday, July 26 at 9pm

The Coral Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Avenue, is celebrating their new film “I’m So Excited,” with a special Almodovar themed party tomorrow, July 26th at 9pm followed by a movie screening at 10pm. Guests can enjoy fare from SUSHISAMBA, drinks courtesy of Bacardi & are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Almodovar characters for a chance to win prizes all night long! Tickets cost $20; for more info, call 786-385-9689 & to purchase passes, visit

Bridesmaids Trunk Show at Daisy Tarsi

Ladies, if you’re shopping for your big day, bring your girls and stop by Daisy Tarsi, 311 Miracle Mile, this Saturday & Sunday, July 26th-27th to browse the new Amsale bridesmaid’s collection. Find the perfect styles for your bridal party, save 15% off all orders placed this weekend, plus mark your calendars for a Lazaro Noir trunk show next weekend! For more info, call 305-441-6796 or visit their website.

Silk Box Invitations at Lilian Designs

Looking for wedding & event invitations that will make a statement like no other while still showing off your personality? Lilian Designs, 60 Miracle Mile, has a new line of custom silk box invitations with different colors, fabrics & embellishments perfect to make your weddings, quinceañeras & all kinds of special events stand out. For more info or a consultation, call 305-447-6622 or visit their website.



Mark Your Calendars 

08|01 - 09|30

Take advantage of Miami Spice & dine at your favorite Downtown Coral Gables restaurants. Click here for a list of participating eateries.

Now - 09|30

Mini Golf at the Museum – Come by the Coral Gables Museum, 285 Aragon Avenue, for a custom made golf-course designed by some Miami’s leading architects! Call 305-603-8067 or visit their website for info.

Summer Deal at ISA Boutique

DEAL ALERT! Looking for the hottest clothes, accessories & jewelry in women’s fashion? Visit ISA Boutique, 34 Giralda Avenue & receive $25 off your purchase of $100 when you say Thank you at the register. Can’t make it to the store? Enter promo code THANKU25 on their website for the same great deal! Call 786-558-8027or visit for more info.

Special Summer Menu at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, 2330 Salzedo St, is celebrating the best tastes of the season with their new summer menu. For $42.95, enjoy a three-course meal with dishes like Filet Mignon & Lobster, Ginger Seared Scallops, Southwestern Mac & Cheese and much more. For more info, call 305-461-8360 or to view the menu, visit their website.

Monthly Deals & More at Louis Alexander

Did you know that Louis Alexander Jewelers, 95 Andalusia Ave, not only specializes in watch repairs, but also offers their own line of custom pieces? You can get jewelry appraised, trade some in for an item from their beautiful collection & enjoy monthly deals, like 30% off their selection of electronic cigarettes for a limited time only! For more info, call them at 305-441-0323 or visit their Facebook page.

Flights & Bites at Christy's

On Tuesday, July 30th from 6pm-7:30pm, stop by Christy’s Restaurant, 3101 Ponce de Leon Blvd, for a special Taste of Argentina Bites & Flights happy hour in their piano lounge! Enjoy three of the finest red wines paired with duck breast crostini, short rib sliders & mini filet mignons for just $20. For more info & to RSVP, call 305-446-1400 or visit their website.

Store Closing Sale at Reminiscence

There’s still some time to get one-of-a-kind items, vintage consignment pieces, furniture & more unique gifts at up to 75% off before our friends at Reminiscence Fine Gifts and Antiques, 357 Miracle Mile, sadly close their doors at the end of July, ending a 22 year era on the Mile. Call 305-441-8665 for full sale details… we’re sorry to see Reminiscence close, but we wish them the very best!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Best School Supply Deals!

Here is a list of the best school supplies deals we found this week. They are combined into one post to make comparison shopping more convenient. If you haven’t already, you might want to read Tips for Saving with Back-to-School Sales and see how low prices for school supplies have gotten in previous years with the School Supply Price List.

Be sure to look for printable coupons for office supplies and combine them with sales to get the best deals.


25¢ Deals

  • school glue, 4 oz 25¢
  • slider pencil case
  • RoseArt crayons, 24-pack 25¢
  • memo pad with magnetic closure, 3″x4.25″ 25¢

Staples Easy Rebates

  • Staples multipurpose paper, 500 sheets $1 after Easy Rebate, limit 2
  • Staples photo supreme paper, matte 50-pack $3 after Easy Rebate, limit 4
  • HP 14″ touch-screen laptop (with 4 years Office 365 University free for students) $499.90 after Easy Rebate

Other Staples Deals

  • Post-It die cut notes, 2-pack $2
  • Bic Wite-Out correction tape, 2-pack $1
  • dry-erase board 5.5″ x 8.5″ $1
  • Zebra Z-Grip mechanical pencils, 7-pack $1
  • protactor or compass $1
  • 3-hole binder punch $2
  • Staples fat book (spiral notebook), 200 sheets $1
  • Hype! pen-style highlighters, 6-pack $2
  • invisible tape, 3/4″ x 300″, 4-pack $2
  • printer paper, case buy 2, get 1 free
  • Pentel R.S.V.P. ballpoint pens, 5-pack $3
  • Pentell WOW! retractable gel pens, 12-pack $5
  • Expo Neon dry-erase markers, asstd colors $5
  • Expo fine-tip dry-erase markers, 4-pack $3
  • Expo low-odor markers, asstd colors, 12-pack $10
  • Lucky wet wipes 50¢
  • Purell instant hand sanitizer 8 oz. $2 $1/2 Purell Hand Sanitizer printable coupon
  • Clorox wipes, 3-pack $5 $1/2 Clorox Disinfection Wipes Products printable coupon
  • MasterLock combination padlock $4.99
  • SanDisk 8GB flash drive $6.90
  • 1TB WD My Passport portable hard drive $69.99
  • HP Deskjet 3510 wireless e-all-in-one printer (prints from smart phone or tablet) $59.99
  • Dell 2127U 15.6″ laptop $299.99
  • Nexus 7 tablet, 32GB $199
  • Acer 15.6″ touch-screen laptop $499.90
  • Acer 11.6″ touch-screen laptop $399.99

Staples coupon: $5 off $30 in-store purchase (exclusions apply)

Office Max

Sunday & Monday only

  • Crayola crayons 50¢ limit 4

1¢ Deals
With minimum $5 purchase, excluding Max Value items.

  • wood pencil, each 1¢ limit 20

Max Value Items

  • Purell hand sanitizer, 1 oz. 10¢ limit 6
  • Schoolio 1-subject notebook, 70 sheets 15¢ limit 5
  • Schoolio paper folders 15¢ limit 10
  • OfficeMax glue 4 oz. 25¢ limit 3
  • OfficeMax glue sticks, 4-pack 25¢ limit 3
  • Just Basics ballpoint pens, 10-pack 25¢ limit 5
  • Officemax poly spiral notebook, 70 sheets $1
  • Schoolio 1″ or 1.5″ 3-ring poly binders $1 limit 5

Max Perks Rewards

  • OfficeMax multipurpose paper 500-sheet ream $1 after Max Perks rewards
  • Duracell AA and AAA batteries, 20-pack 1¢ after Max Perks rewards

Other Office Max Deals

  • Boise X-9 multiuse paper, 10-ream case $24.99 ea. when you buy 2 of the same item, limit 1
  • (Also, buy 2, get 1 free on all 5- and 10-ream paper cases)
  • OfficeMax jumbo white or disappearing purple glue sticks, 2-pack $1
  • Papermate Pink Pearl erasers, 3-pack $1
  • Sharpie Accent yellow highlighters, 4-pack $1
  • Crayola colored pencils, 12-pack
  • Bounty Basic paper towels, single roll $1
  • Powerhouse zipper seal sandwich bags, 50-pack $1
  • Powerhouse zipper seal 1-gallon bags, 15-pack $1
  • Post-It 2×2 notes cube $2
  • Bic Round Stic grip ballpoint pens, 12-pack $2
  • OfficeMax mechanical pencil starter set, 5-pack $2
  • Bic Wite-Out quick dry correction fluid, 2-pack $2
  • Scotch Magic tape, 3-pack with bonus roll $2
  • Wescott 7″ bent scissors, 2-pack $3
  • Pilot B2P pen, 5-pack $3
  • Sharpie 5-packs $3
  • Expo dry-erase markers, 4-pack $3
  • Schoolio 7-pocket expanding file $3 limit 5
  • Kleenex tissue 3-pack $4
  • OfficeMax 1″ view binders $4
  • Scotch student scissors 2 for $3
  • Post-It 3×3 Super Sticky notes, 5-pack $5 (coupon)
  • Sharpie neon permanent markers, 5-pack $5
  • Emtec 8GB USB flash drive $7.99
  • Lexar 16GB micro SD card $12.99
  • Brother laser HL-2240 printer $59.99
  • HP 3510 printer e-All-in-One $59.99
  • Canon PIXMA MG3220 printer all-in-one $59.99
  • Azpen 4GB tablet $69.99
  • HP Slate 8GB tablet $139.99
  • Dell Inspiron 15.6 touchscreen laptop $429.99
  • Western Digital My Passport 1TB portable hard drive


Sign up for and use your Walgreens Balance Rewards card; it’s required for many of these deals.

  • BOGO free backpacks or tote bags (reg. $10.99)
  • Nice! brand purified water, 24-pack $1.99
  • Ziploc freezer or storage bags, 15- to 25-pack 2/$4 after $1 off coupon in most Sunday papers
  • Ziploc sandwich bags, 100-pack 2/$4 after $1 off coupon in most Sunday papers
  • Penway colored pencils, 12-pack 99¢
  • Penway markers, 10-pack 99¢
  • Kleenex or Puffs facial tissue 89¢ ea.

In-ad coupons

  • Wexford #2 pencils, 8-pack 39¢ w/in-ad coupon, limit 6
  • Wexford 5″ scissors 49¢ w/in-ad coupon, limit 6
  • Wexford 2-pocket folder 8/$1 w/in-ad coupon, limit 16
  • Wexford mini highlighter 8/$1 w/in-ad coupon, limit 16
  • Crayola poster board 22×28 in. 49¢ w/in-ad coupon, limit 6

Buy one, get one 50% off

  • Crayola art supplies
  • Elmer’s glue sticks or school glue
  • Scotch tape


All of these prices are with Kroger card.

  • Bic Brite Liner highlighters, 5-pack $1.99
  • Bic Cristal pens, 10-ct. 89¢
  • Bic mechanical pencils, 10-ct. $1.99
  • Board Dudes dry-erase markers, 10-ct $3.99
  • composition book 50¢
  • Crayola classic markers, 10-pack $1.50
  • Crayola colored pencils, 12-pack $1.50
  • Crayola crayons, 24-pack $1
  • Elmer’s glue sticks, 6-ct $1.99 (SavingStar deposit)
  • Elmer’s glue sticks, 3-pack or jumbo single $1.29 (SavingStar deposit)
  • Officeworks #2 pencils, 10-ct 50¢

Last week’s Kroger school supply deals may still be valid:

  • Oxford Index Cards 3 x 5, Blank or Ruled, 100 ct 45¢
  • Papermate Inkjoy 100 Pens, 8 ct $1.99
  • Top Flight Spiral Notebooks, 70 Sheets, College or Wide Rule, 19¢ (Limit 10)

Office Depot

  • filler paper 25¢ limit 3
  • pencil sharpener, 2-hole manual 25¢ limit 3
  • Office Depot flexible ruler 50¢ limit 3
  • Foray single pens 50¢ limit 10
  • Crayola crayons, 24-pack 50¢ limit 3
  • Foray liquid ink highlighters, 5-pack $2
  • 3M Command wire hooks, 3-pack $2
  • Bic Velocity gel pens, 4-pack $2
  • Master Lock combination lock $4
  • Nexus 7 tablet $199.99
  • HP Slate tablet $139.99
  • Western Digital 1TB My Passport hard drive $69.99


  • Crayola washable markers, 10-ct 99¢
  • Crayola colored pencils, 12-ct 99¢
  • Embark insulated roll top lunch kit $3
  • backpacks $13 to $20 each
  • up & up school supplies (pictured: Pencil sharpener, 2-ct. erasers, plastic folder, 100-ct. 3-inch x 5-inch ruled or unruled index cards or pencil box.) 50¢ each
  • buy-one, get-one Sharpie singles or 3-ct Sharpie tank highlighters
  • up & up printer paper, 500-sheet ream $3.50
  • Energizer 20-pk. AAA or AA batteries $12


Kmart has a loyalty program; many of these deals require membership in the program.

  • Notebook filler paper 25¢ (when Members spend $5 or more on anything in the store. Limit 3.)
  • Basic Editions kids’ separates (clothing) $6 each
  • Athletech kids’ footwear $9.98
  • kids’ back-to-school shoes $9.99
  • character backpacks $9
  • solid color poly folders 50¢
  • Westcott shatterproof rulers 50¢
  • Elmer’s 2-pk school glue 50¢
  • Elmer’s 2-pk glue sticks 50¢
  • Cool Stationery eraser set, 7-pk 50¢
  • 5-subject spiral notebooks $1.49
  • Kleenex facial tissue, 50-160ct single pack 99¢
  • Ziploc food storage bags and containers, select varieties 2/$5
  • select My Little Pony, Monsters Inc., and Ironman lunch kits $5.99