Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting Day 2012 and why this one was different for me!

......and so it has arrived Voting Day 2012! they say it's the most important Election in history....I guess we will see.  To be honest I wasn't even sure if I was going to vote this election, for what? was it really going to make a difference....I have quite the cynical hubby at home with his own views so I debated for a while.  Kept my opinion mostly to myself although Facebook and social media was inundated with my friends political choices. Let's just say some of them were not shy at all!  You really have to love this country.  Being able to express openly how you feel Yup! I love AMERICA! 

So I think my main reason for voting this election was simply, it was my choice!  I simply could! There was no one waiting to harm me, threaten me, my life wasn't in danger, I didn't have to hide what I was doing, I could even post lawn signs in front of my house stating who I was supporting (My daughter said we should make a sign that said Vote for Tacos!).  I could just walk up and cast my vote and suddenly, at my age (i'm not that young anymore) it meant the world to me.  I thought of my parents when they were in Cuba and of the people in Venezuela with the past election and so many others who don't know what it is to vote or can't and suddenly I felt very honored to live where I do and for the freedom I have, I know it sounds corny but it's so true.  So I made up my mind.  I decided I was going to early vote.  Now I'm not going to lie I knew I would have to wait but not ahem...5hrs!!

So me and my good friend, Luis got up on Saturday and headed off to vote.  Mind you my girls were in tow and I knew it wasn't going to be easy.  The older one had been discussing the election process in her civics class so I told her that it would be great to see first hand the voting process (she wasn't thrilled but didn't have a choice).  My little one, you got to love her had already voted, yes! She logged on to NickJr and voted.  They held an election just for kids and she was very excited to cast her vote.  I asked her who she voted for and she said for Obama.  I asked her why and she said because he's rich and cool.  Oh well!  It's her choice right????? (good girl!)

So while we stood in line, (and let's remember we stand in line on black friday, for the latest Iphone, tickets to a concert, the latest sneakers, to get someone's autograph, to see a movie) I was determined to make it to the finish line.  I texted my hubby several times with updates, to which he said I was crazy and then said he gave me props for my determination.  It didn't matter though I was there because I wanted to and I was going to make a difference.

My girls on the other hand had no choice lol.  The older one drew random people in line on her sample ballot (she was a hit) while the little one tried to make fire, skinned tree limbs, hung from vines and climbed trees (hey at least at Disney you get a ride at the end of the line here, well she got to check some books out).  I got so much more!  I made it! 5hrs later I had finally voted and received my sticker....needless to say I wore it all day!  I was really proud of myself.

I think we all loose faith from time to time and that is ok but we have to believe that there is something greater out there and when you are determined, don't let anyone stop you.  I wanted to make a change and although I know there is a part of me that realistically thinks at times there are other hands at work it has to count for something, it has to make a difference if not why bother? why exist? why live?  My daughter asked me mom, why vote?  I looked at her and said voting is a special privilege. I signed up a long time ago and it's my duty, plain and simple.  Today I get to exercise that right.

....and so here we are Election Day - Nov.6, 2012! Running for President of the United States, your candidates: Barack Obama and Mitt Romney who will win?  that my friends calls for a new chapter and a new post.

So very proud of all of you who voted! You truly ROCK!!!!

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